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Prep Work

    We’ve had quite a flurry of activity inside our little cottage. While the weather is playing a “Guess which season I am” game, we’re taking advantage of the colder, rainy, snowy days to work on the inside of our home. Cleaning, organizing and painting is the theme these days.

    We really struggled with whether or not we should paint the woodwork in our home. It’s beautiful, but there’s a lot of it, and there are a few different types of wood, and every different type of wood has a different wood grain and takes stain differently. And once you paint it, it takes a lot of work to strip the paint off and go back to stained wood. And the previous homeowners spent a lot of time and money installing beautiful wood trim. But after much debating, we finally decided to take the plunge and paint the woodwork. And let me tell you, there is nothing like priming all the wood trim in your little home to make you feel like you live in a mansion because the trim just goes on and on forever.

    I’d love to show you pictures of the gorgeous new colors we’re painting but pretty much all that I’ve accomplished so far is priming. And priming. And more priming. But the transformation will be awesome when we’re done. I can tell already.