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make me jammies


    I’ve been doing quite a bit of rearranging lately – moving furniture in the living room, rearranging the Littles’ bedroom to make room for all three of them, and trying to create a bit of creative space for us all.  That last bit of rearranging was my most recent, and involved moving all my fabric, which unearthed some fabric in my stash that Sophie was very excited to see, as I bought it almost 2 years ago (where has the time gone?) to make jammie pants for everyone, and then, well, life.

    So this fabric sat in my stash waiting, calling, asking to please become something useful or pretty, and Sophie heard its call yesterday, and made sure I heard it too. Once she spied it, “Make me jammies.” was her constant refrain. The fact that I did not accomplish it in between the time I went out to feed the critters and start supper was quite a trial to Sophie’s expectations of immediate fulfillment of her request.



    So it was, after supper and sending husband and Middles on their way to the event of the evening, that the making began. And not the jammie pants I had imagined (oh, that would have been so much easier), it had to be a nightgown to suit her girly sensibilities.  But first to find a pattern. I was pretty excited to find a vintage pattern that was super simple, but alas the wrong size, and even in sizing it down I didn’t have enough of Sophie’s fabric to make it. So I went to her dresser and pulled out a nightgown and traced it, leaving off the long sleeves (not enough fabric) and shortening it to fit on the the fabric I had.


    Cutting and stitching commenced, all under the very watchful eye of Sophie, punctuated by an oft repeated, “Are you almost finished?”  Finally, finally, long after what should have been bedtime, for when Mama is making a new nightgown for one to wear bedtime simply must be delayed until the nightgown is finished, as one cannot wear an old nightgown when there is a new one being created – as I was informed by Sophie, it was finished and wearable. The timing was perfect, as her yawns became just as frequent as, “Are you almost finished?”, and Papa and the Middles returned home just in time to see her pose in her very new nightgown. She promptly declared it to be oh-so-cozy and took herself off to bed.


    Today, I need to find a button for the fastening, though I’m trying to talk her into a simple ribbon that will tie, she is hearing nothing of it. And the next order for jammies has been placed by Emma, though her patience is far greater than Sophie’s, so this order might wait a day or two.

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