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Goats in the Rain

    Another day of unusual weather for Maine for this time of year. Rain.  Some say they’re glad it isn’t snow. Some say (mostly the children) that it needs to be snow. It is December, after all.DSC_8629-5

    Do you know what goats do in the rain?  A whole lot of this.DSC_8620-3

    And this.DSC_8627-4

    Because goats, at least our goats, do not like the rain.

    And then there are the chickens.  They do this.DSC_8614-1

    Because chickens, at least our chickens, don’t mind the rain.DSC_8615-2

    Personally, I do a whole lot of this.  DSC_8655-1But then I do that even if it isn’t raining.