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Something Simple

    Amidst all the building activity we’ve had going on here (see this post and this one, and there’s this one, too, and even more I haven’t shown you yet), I needed to do something pretty simple, start to finish, done in just a snap. My ironing board volunteered for the task. The cover had been quite worn, and in fact,… Read More »Something Simple

    Second Dolls

      Since Silas and Sophie were so insistent on my making dolls for them (“Sit down and sew, Mama!”), I couldn’t refuse (though I did put it off just long enough to finish a first cup of coffee). So, sit down I did. After a bit of redrafting (and a bit more is needed, I think), two more second dolls joined… Read More »Second Dolls

      First Doll

        (Post Update::  I did some reconstructive surgery on the little doll, moving her arms to, um, arm level, instead of mid waist level where I mistakenly placed them. She looks better now. ) I’m not even sure what got into me last night. Dinner was done, dishes were cleaned up, laundry was folded and all the Littles were playing together.… Read More »First Doll

        Rope Baskets Given

          The rope basket making (and therapy) continues. Last week I made a basket for my Dad for Father’s Day. I took a picture before I sent it out. He said the “hat” was a little small. 😉 I’m not sure what he’ll end up using it for, but I made one for us that we keep our cooking spoons in… Read More »Rope Baskets Given

          From baskets to quilts

            I took a break from making rope baskets to do some other stitching. I’ve had this green floral fabric in my stash for… too long to admit. It’s a bit dated, but in the middle of the night I realized that if I cut it apart into smaller strips and paired it with white, it would look rather crisp and… Read More »From baskets to quilts

            rope therapy

              My stitching with rope as a way to focus has been exactly what I needed and didn’t know. I’ve been making, and experimenting, and, well, playing, with the rope. Playing with shapes and thread colors, and moving into playing with colors through natural dyes – only turmeric and strawberry so far, but I’m so excited about the possibilities. Some of… Read More »rope therapy

              Thoughts Spinning

                My goodness I’ve been absent for such a long while! We find ourselves to be in a season full of so much potential change. I find my thoughts spinning out of control at times, as one decision nearly made presents even more changes and choices to be thought out. So many things to be considered in every possible path. So… Read More »Thoughts Spinning

                Family Ornament Making

                  First of all, if you get a feed of my blog posts, you got a pretty strange post. It wasn’t from me, I was hacked. WordPress caught it, but not in time to prevent the post from being sent to feed readers. Hopefully, it won’t happen again. Now, onto much more interesting things. Our oldest son is home for Thanksgiving.… Read More »Family Ornament Making