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Emma’s Sewing

    “Mama, are you using this?” “Mama, can I borrow that?” “Mama, do you like this color?” “Can I have that when you’re done, Mama?”

    That was Emma, at my elbow, hopping in front of the sewing machine each time I got up, using the iron in between my own ironing, taking the pin cushion for her own creations.

    She sewed most of the afternoon making bags and pillows and blankets and pants and a skirt and even a headwrap for her doll.  She was mostly happy with the results of her projects, but she just couldn’t get a shirt to fit right, and by late evening she was getting worried about finishing for the night.  I didn’t understand her worry and told her we could work on it tomorrow, but to a child, tomorrow is so very far away, and, as she told me, she was making pajamas for her doll and they just HAD to be done before she (the doll) went to bed.

    So, tape measure in hand, I showed her how to take some very simple measurements and then put it to paper. And while my own pattern drafting skills are basic at best, I tried my best to help her make a very simple, very easy pattern for a doll shirt.

    We had a couple of failed attempts, and even the final result isn’t quite perfect (I sort of forgot about making an opening in the back so it could easily be slipped over dolly’s head), but Emma was so pleased with the results and is planning to make adjustments today.  But Emma rested easily knowing her doll was appropriately attired for a good night’s rest.  She tucked her into the bottom shelf of the bookcase for a bed (the shelf I had cleared to make room for some of the books I bought, but a doll bed is so much more important right now).

    Sophie tells me that she’d like to use the pattern to make her doll some pajamas today, too.  I think I might need to find a permanent home for a sewing machine for them so I have access to mine.