Hello my neglected blog friends! I won’t bore you with all the things that have been keeping me away from posting here because that would be, well, boring. And rather than trying to compose a “what I’ve been up to” post which would take forever and keep me away even longer, I’ll just dive right into my reason for posting today.
Two of my seven children (and two others to a lesser extent) have been dealing with some long term issues that we’ve never been able to pin down to a cause. Doctors have pretty much brushed their complaints aside (they aren’t ‘sick’, but they aren’t healthy either), so I’ve spent a lot of time over the years trying to figure out causes, aggravators, remedies, and, hopefully someday, cures. One of the things we turned to recently is food sensitivity testing. The test results were less conclusive than I had hoped they would be, but they did show that these two children of mine have a LOT of foods that cause problems. So we’re doing our best to stay away from them, or at least reduce their exposure as much as we can.
The problem though, is that cooking has become quite a challenge, and one of the things they miss most are bread-type products. So I’ve started to do some experimentation to find some recipes they can eat and actually enjoy, and I’ll count this morning’s test as a success.
One of our favorite treats for breakfast or for a snack is Blueberry Coffee Cake, and it’s a pretty simple recipe so I figured I could try to do some modifications so it would meet all of our ‘free’ requirements. Here’s the recipe I ended up with:
Dairy Free, Gluten Free, Egg Free, Almond Free, and Blueberry Free Coffee Cake
1/2 cup coconut flour
1/2 cup sugar (adjust for your taste – I thought this was a little too sweet)
1 tablespoon + 1 teaspoon baking powder
2 teaspoons psyllium husk powder
1 teaspoon salt
1/3 cup oil
1 cup soy milk (or rice milk or cashew milk)
Mix all together until blended well. Spread in a greased 9 x 13 pan (I might try a smaller pan next time to make it thicker).
Top with 1 cup fresh or frozen berries (I used the last of my frozen raspberries because blueberries are on the food issue list for both of my children).
Streusel topping:
1/3 cup brown sugar (again, adjust to taste. I used less than 1/3 cup and it was plenty sweet)
1 tablespoon coconut flour
1 teaspoon cinnamon
3 tablespoons oil
Lightly mix the streusel with a fork and sprinkle it evenly over the top.
Bake at 350° till edges are browned, about 30 minutes.
Wow! That’s challenging but if your kids do well without these things in their diet then that’ll be worth it!
This recipe actually sounds good!
The list of things to avoid is VERY long, and some overlap, but others don’t. Cooking has been so much more challenging than ever before, but it’s already made a big difference.
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