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Daily Life

Ballet Blessings

    This weekend my oldest granddaughter had her ballet recital and since they are very far away, we couldn’t go. My daughter sent us a video of it so we could see Ali dance.  I was in the garage, helping my husband when the video came through on my phone. We pulled it up to watch, and on the screen were… Read More »Ballet Blessings

    Work to do

      My experiment with some natural dyes have led me to want to experiment more. I found some information on using spent daffodil blooms for yellow, so we get to accomplish two things at once – remove the shriveled blossoms so the gardens look prettier, and collect the shriveled blossoms so I can try some dyeing experiments. Emma loved the idea,… Read More »Work to do

      Thoughts Spinning

        My goodness I’ve been absent for such a long while! We find ourselves to be in a season full of so much potential change. I find my thoughts spinning out of control at times, as one decision nearly made presents even more changes and choices to be thought out. So many things to be considered in every possible path. So… Read More »Thoughts Spinning

        Going off list

          Hello! Thanks for visiting. And Happy New Year! We aren’t the New Year’s Resolution type (see here and here) .  We take stock in what we do on a regular basis, and make adjustments and changes as needed. We dove into this past holiday season with our eyes wide open, knowing that we were going to be making changes once… Read More »Going off list

          For Such a Time as This

            Oh, the end of summer. I read of so many moms who are looking forward to it. Looking forward to the start of the school year. Looking forward to sending their children off to school. Looking forward to the quiet. And, if truth be told, there are moments that I envy you. The quiet that you will enjoy. I’m not… Read More »For Such a Time as This

            And Then There Were 4

              It was only a few short weeks ago that we were filled with the joy and anticipation and dreams of adding more farm life to our property again. We’ve been feeding, watering, keeping warm and caring for 27 laying hens who came to us as day old chicks, and we’ve been watching them grow and explore a little more every… Read More »And Then There Were 4

              Times to Remember

                I think, and having loved and talked with a few octogenarians and even nonagenarians (my family is blessed with longevity) I have learned, that the things we will look back on with fond remembrance doesn’t have a whole lot to do with what our homes look like or what our work is, but how we lived.  I don’t want those… Read More »Times to Remember

                New Weekend Traditions

                  Our summer weekends have taken on a very nice new rhythm. One day to work, one day to play, punctuated throughout and always ending in the backyard around a fire, a hammock, a game, some bubbles, and maybe a little knitting. It is, I must say, a very nice change from our typical Get All The Things Done pace. This… Read More »New Weekend Traditions

                  Baby Chicks!

                    Once upon a time, our little cottage was also a farm. And on that farm we had some hens. And those hens gave us the very best gift of the very best eggs. Golden eggs, we thought.  But the skies darkened over that little farm, and one by one, and sometimes two by two, those poor little hens were being… Read More »Baby Chicks!

                    An Island Visit

                      A glance at the calendar told me that we’re in the last days of summer. I had been planning a visit to a dear friend since spring, and just hadn’t made the time to do it. So I put all housework, garden work, school planning and other things aside and gathered bathing suits and towels, packed a quick lunch for… Read More »An Island Visit