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Daily Life

This Week

    So much happening, it must be posted in bullets, or it will never be posted. Transcript for 4 years of high school compiled for Josh to graduate. This was a tough one because most of our records were online, and we’ve had multiple computer and printer problems this year.  This required digging through boxes in the cellar to find school… Read More »This Week

    20 years

      7,300 days  And every new day is a blessing.  1,040 weeks Filled with far too much time apart, but loving the moments when we’re together.  240 months Births and birthdays, new homes, new jobs, new states, teaching children, graduations, weddings, grandchildren, growing together. 20 years Remembering beautiful times together, enjoying the moments we are given, planning and looking forward to… Read More »20 years

      Busy, Busy, Busy

        Bingley when he was 15 minutes old.   Turkey poult reading the news. Little baby ducks. It’s spring here in New England. Which means there are LOTS of things calling for attention. Baby chicks, baby ducks, baby turkeys. Preparing garden beds, mulching garden beds, planting, weeding, cleaning. And then there’s the end of the school year push. Every year in… Read More »Busy, Busy, Busy

        Mother’s Day Blessings

          Reminiscing. Thinking of all the mothers in my family. My great-grandmothers, most of whom I never met, but still are such a big part of who I am. The one who had to leave one of her children in another country for years because they didn’t have the money to bring her home. The ones who left home for new… Read More »Mother’s Day Blessings

          A Better Rhythm

            Such a long day today. Homeschooling middles, chasing littles, cooking, cleaning, laundering, cleaning again, budgeting, planning, talking, washing, praying. Ending up around the dinner table with frozen pizzas and a very tired Mama. And then, everything changed.  He came home.  It’s amazing to me how the atmosphere in our home changes when The Builder is here. Everyone seems to work… Read More »A Better Rhythm

            April – in like a Lion?

              Once again, I lack regular posting. Let me tell you, this has been and eventful winter. We’ve had so many viruses visiting us, we’ve reserved them space in the guest room. I wish they’d go away. The most recent attacks have been a coughing fit that lasted about 2 weeks, ending with a sinus infection for me. Then we had… Read More »April – in like a Lion?

              Simple Things

                The simplest things bring such pleasure: Playing 500 Rummy with the whole family last night… Waking up with my husband this morning and seeing our two littles sprawled across the bed between us… Enjoying a quiet cup of coffee with my husband before the rest of the house awoke… Getting to make my husband breakfast before he left for work…… Read More »Simple Things

                From my corner of the world

                  I’ve lost count. Sophie isn’t feeling well. Again. She has a fever. She’s sneezing. She’s coughing. She’s teething. She’s very snuggly (I like that part).  I’m so glad I didn’t wean her completely in January. She’s so miserable, but nursing seems to help. I am a little tired of sitting so much, but it is for a good reason –… Read More »From my corner of the world


                    I took an unplanned blogging break. There were so many things happening around here, that I simply didn’t have time to catch my breath and write any of it down, let alone try to process any of it.  I spent some absolutely amazing time with my oldest son. Six whole days. Just us. And another mama and her daughter. We… Read More »Changes


                      I spent a blissful hour outside today just before sunset. The moon was up, the sun was setting, the sky was clear, and the air was cool. I took Poppy and Clover (our goats) down to the field for some much needed attention, exercise and free grazing (they grazed, I didn’t). They loved it (so did I). I originally planned… Read More »BEing