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Homeschooling Resources – Art

    As a homeschooling mom, I’m often on the lookout for great resources for our children to learn, preferably low or no cost, preferably easily accessible.  One of those resources we use a lot is Art for Kids Hub, a channel on YouTube.   I don’t remember when we started using them, but they’re a great resource. They give the kids drawing… Read More »Homeschooling Resources – Art

    Lemon Ginger Tea Recipe for Colds

      Since before the holidays, it seems that at least one person in our family has been fighting a cold.  It’s an unusual one too.  You feel like you’re getting better and then hours later you’re back to feeling awful.  And sometimes you wake up feeling badly but then by afternoon you think it’s gone, only to start over again the… Read More »Lemon Ginger Tea Recipe for Colds


        (This picture has nothing at all to do with my post, but I needed a picture and thought the cats were very funny watching the snow.  Sorry for the overexposure.  I’m still working on my camera skills and they wouldn’t re-pose once I figured out my settings.) As you may have noticed if you’ve been reading here for a while,… Read More »Writing

        Keeping Warm

          We’ve been in quite a cold snap since Christmas.  The days when our thermometer hits 0 are “warm”.  Because the wind chills are so low, the children have been in much more than out.  It has been helpful for getting schoolwork done though, since the lure of outside play isn’t a distraction. The cats are staying in, too.  Sometimes the… Read More »Keeping Warm

          On the Second Day of Christmas

            We had a beautiful, quiet and snowy Christmas day.  We missed being with some of our family – some due to distance, some due to the foot or so of snow we got, but phone calls and face time and Skype came into service. The children were able to decipher all their clues to figure out the tags on the… Read More »On the Second Day of Christmas

            The game is afoot!

              What began as necessity has become tradition. With a house full of peekers and shakers and squeezers and sniffers and not a lot of room to hide things, I need to wrap presents early. But with a house full of peekers and shakers and squeezers and sniffers, even wrapped presents don’t always hide their contents well. So years ago I… Read More »The game is afoot!

              The Gift of Making

                The other day, Emma and Sophie asked me for help to make gifts for some little friends. Honestly, the timing wasn’t great because I had so much of my own to do.  They were asking for some creative help and given my distracted thoughts I had a tough time wrapping my brain around their ideas well enough to translate them… Read More »The Gift of Making

                Simplicity in Gift Giving

                    The theme of trying to live simply seems to be everywhere, except during the weeks leading up to Christmas. Then, simplicity seems to be thrown aside and “buy all the things!” takes over.  And then after all the shopping pressure, you add in the pursuit to decorate your home in holiday perfection (what do you mean you don’t have… Read More »Simplicity in Gift Giving