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Knitting and Reading, Littles Style

    I just taught the Little girls how to knit, and they are working on their little projects every moment they can.  Emma has determined that hers is a Mug Rug (the red) and Sophie determined that she is making a purse, with one side completed and the other side cast on and begun.  And I had to make a quick run to the store for more yarn as they greatly desire to continue their craft and are nearly out of yarn.

    While they sit and knit, they determined that having a book read would be a wonderful thing, so I browsed the bookshelf and found the Wind in the Willows, perfect for reading with them as they practice their new skill. (If anyone has figured out how to read and knit at the same time, I’d love to know. Audio books work for me, but not as much with the little ones as they like to pause a story frequently to discuss the happenings.)


    Linking up with Ginny’s weekly Yarn Along. Pop over for a visit to see so many inspiring projects and great books to read.

    2 thoughts on “Knitting and Reading, Littles Style”

    1. Love this! I attempted to teach my girls to knit last year, but it wasn’t exactly received well. However, the more they see me doing it, the more they are asking to learn. Maybe it’s time to try again. I know my 8 year old would pick it up easily…as for my five year old I’m not sure.
      My sister gifted us with her old copy of The Wind and the Willows several years ago. Breaking it out as they learn a new skill sounds like a wonderful idea!
      Can’t wait to see their finished projects!
      Visiting from Ginny’s Yarn Along.

      1. I think this was the third time I tried to teach them. Spending time with the knitting fork and mushroom really helped them get used to working with yarn. And the poem really helps them keep track of what to do next, unless they stop and ask a question about the story and completely lose their place. 🙂

        Thanks for visiting!

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