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Knitted Blackbird

    One of the problems with working on only one knitting project at a time is that when you finish it, you have nothing to knit.  I do have a project picked out, and the yarn is on its way, and I’m excited to start it.  But the yarn isn’t here yet, and that means that I have nothing to work on.

    I did a quick search through Ravelry to see what projects I could find that might use up some of the yarn I have left from previous projects.  I found a sweet little knitted bird pattern called The Bluebird of Happiness.  It’s a quick knit and was fun, especially when I got to stuff it and see the sweet beak and little round body appear.  I didn’t have any blue yarn though, so my bluebird turned into a blackbird. Still cute though, yes?  I didn’t really know what I was going to do with it once it was finished, but during a FaceTime call with my daughter I found out that my grandson loves birds, so this one is going right to him.  It’s soft and safe and perfect for a toddler toy.

    Zach and Maddie have been spending a little time lately on trying to better their photography skills, so I asked Maddie to try to capture the knitted bird in pictures.  She had fun trying to give it personality, and she also learned how difficult it is to capture details of a dark object next to a light object.  But I think she did a great job!

    I thought my new project yarn would be in today, but it is not.  So I’m on to another quick knitting project to fill the time I normally spend knitting.


    2 thoughts on “Knitted Blackbird”

      1. Grey would be so pretty! The designer has several animal projects to knit – some free, some paid patterns. I’m imagining a Christmas tree made with hand knit woodland creatures from my scrap yarn. Would that be fun?

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